5 Steps to increase traffic to your new online store?

A newcomer to the field of Internet commerce has a long and remarkable way to turn your ideas into a successful business. How to attract the customers, and communicate with them? It is the biggest hurdle come in the way of promoting your brand. Each of these tasks is crucial for business growth and increased sales.
But before focusing on the advertising your product, the first thing you need to think about how to increase traffic on your web pages. The more visitors come to you, the higher the likelihood of shopping. Naturally, then the percentage of conversion of visitors to customers will be high.
In this article, we are going to highlight the first six steps to increase your online traffic, starting with the web design & development and choosing the right name for it, which is undoubtedly one of the essential points that will affect traffic volume in the future.
So, the store is open, so what next? Now it’s time to follow these 6 steps that will help to grow your business and increase good traffic to your site.
1.     Get SEO Optimized:
There are not many people who are delighted with the need to do SEO optimization of their site. It is a long, relatively monotonous and even uninteresting process. But this is the most crucial step that you need to take at the very beginning so that your store does not get lost in the results of search results, and ideally - takes first place there.
The store’s search promotion implies an extensive complex of various events, ranging from optimizing the site code and ending with the compilation of unique product descriptions with the inclusion of keywords.
If you have a rather poor understanding of SEO and you have absolutely no time and desire for some time to dive headlong into the study of a new field of knowledge for you, then it makes sense to hire a right specialist.

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2.     Explore Competitors
Find ten well - known online stores that sell products similar to yours and thoroughly study what methods they use to promote their store. There is no need to spend sleepless nights reinventing the wheel when someone has already done so. Be smarter - make adjustments to ready-made solutions to get your original promotion method. However, at the initial stage, you cannot puzzle over in search of fresh ideas but use proven techniques.
It’s good to spend your time on deep analyzing everything about your competitors do: do they have social media groups, what they publish on them, they have a blog and what articles, they write, do they use contextual advertising, for which keywords they are using in the search, etc. Your task is to decide which traffic attraction techniques you can use for yourself right now.
3.     Run Contextual Advertising
The launch of contextual advertising, of course, should be approached responsibly. However, if you are determined to get the benefit of your efforts and justify the funds invested in the development of the store, then you need to approach each step to promote the store thoughtfully and with a reasonable amount of fastidiousness.
To run contextual advertising, you will need to come up with a selling name for the ad, choose the right keywords and configure the impressions and cost of your ad depending on the budget and features of your store. Contextual advertising not only attracts visitors to you but also increases the recognition of your store.
4.     Use the Power of Social Media
A strange impression is made by online stores that do not have representative offices in social networks. And are there still those? It’s odd not to use such a powerful and at the same time, free promotion tool. At the time of the creation of the store, in principle, you should already have created groups or pages in popular social networks on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and at least minimal activity should already be happening there. They are noticed by search engines and sometimes even more successfully than the website of the online store.

5.     Start Your Blog
The companies, in the beginning, realize the importance of a corporate blog for doing business. A blog will bring your company a whole bag of advantages:
You create a positive image for yourself. A regularly updated and new blog signals that you are passionate about your business. Such people always inspire trust and respect.
You can report on the news of your store (for example, the arrival of new products) and write articles that promote sales.
A blog increases the flow of traffic to your online store. It plays a crucial role in growing your business and help increase traffic to your store. Do not be worried about the amount of future work. You need to start, and then you will undoubtedly get involved in the promotion process. And daily observations of how the schedules of visits to your store confidently creep up, charge you with vivacity and an irresistible desire to work again and again! Good luck!


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