Advantages of Choosing Virtual Web hosting for Your Commercial Website

Virtual hosting is the hosting where more than one website is hosted on the same server. The actual number of hosted websites depends on their size total occupied volume, total monthly traffic and server resources used.
Taking into account the power of modern processors, it is not surprising that sometimes hundreds of websites are hosted on the same server - in itself, this is not a problem.
The greatest advantage of Distributed or Virtual Hosting is that it allows individuals and companies with a limited amount of financial resources to present themselves on the Internet no worse than if a dedicated server was used for this purpose.
Compared to a dedicated server, shared hosting is cheaper. In some cases, the price can even be very low! Usually, in such cases, you should be on the alert!

Common distributed hosting problems:

  • Crowded Server

This is one of the most common problems of the commercial web hosting industry (as it relates to distributed hosting). Although this is not an inherent problem of distributed hosting. Typically, this problem is associated with poor server resource management, poor business planning, and more likely the responsive rather than the proactive behavior of the hosting company

  • Security Considerations

In an ideal world, all that web hosting companies need to do is connect the server to the Internet and make sure that the server works without problems. But the Internet cannot be called a peaceful place. There are many different “Internet terrorists * 'there. Sometimes they are also called hackers. It doesn’t matter what you call them. The important thing is that they make the life of every decent hosting business more difficult than it should be.
However, hackers and crackers are extremes. On the net, ordinary people behave differently than in real life. When hundreds of people have access to a computer, it is likely that one of them will not be completely honest.
In addition, in a distributed hosting environment, you can often find that you can easily access other people's accounts (an account with shared hosting is actually a directory (folder) on the server’s hard drive). Fortunately, the situation is not threatening, since in most cases what you save on the server is in any case intended for the public.
However, there are many things you should keep secret. For example, if you sell software, you cannot afford such “leaks”. If you have a newsletter and you have saved the email addresses of your subscribers on the server, you most likely will not want them to fall into bad hands. Many examples can be given, and these are just a few of the most obvious examples.
In most cases, the security of the server on which many websites are hosted is worse than that of a dedicated server. Usually, as in real life, there is a trade-off between security and freedom.

  • Problems associated with the neighborhood:

What I call "neighborhood problems" are complex problems, but they all have one thing in common: they all relate to what other people do on the server, who are these people (and their websites) that are your closest online neighbors and they are just as important as the neighbors in your real life.
If one of these neighbors uses an account to test a new scenario (and he is far from being a master of his craft), then for you (and all others on such a server) there is a risk that one day one of these poorly written scriptings can disable the server.
One of your "neighbors" may be of a curious type. Sometimes it happens that a person has the necessary knowledge to gain access to the files of your account. As if someone had searched your house completely. And although simple curiosity may serve as the reason, can this be a serious excuse?
There is also another thing related to the neighborhood, but for the most part, it relates to the internal work of the Internet, and not to people, this is due to the principle of the search engines and web hosts. In a shared hosting environment, IP addresses are allocated dynamically. In addition, adult sites may be hosted on the server where your website is hosted, and from time to time they may be assigned the same IP addresses as you.
If the search engine determines that the IP address is associated with the site "for adults", then your website can be recognized as relevant to this topic and be eliminated by the "adult filter" of the search engine, which can lead to a decrease in the number of visitors to your web site.
The easiest solution is to ask for your own IP address. Unfortunately, some hosters do not provide such a service. Others ask you to pay extra for each IP address, which is usually about $2 per month. But still, there are hosters who from the very beginning will provide you with an IP address, although this does not mean that they do it for free. The price may be slightly higher since such a right is given to you "by default".
It is best to host on servers that do not have adult websites. Some hosters use the following technique: they host adult websites on some servers and public websites on others. Also, some hosters do not provide hosting services for adult websites, while others host exclusively similar websites. The choice is yours! Just be sure to find out this question before registering.

  • Benefits of shared web hosting:

The first advantage is the low price. The second advantage (which most commercial web hosting users are not completely aware of) is that the client does not have to manage the server. Server management is a complex job performed by professionals. For most website owners, this luxury is not available, whether it is a commercial or non-commercial web project.
For most people, the only way out is distributed hosting. Therefore, most do not think, and some have not even heard of other types of hosting. For most people, shared hosting means just hosting, and this will continue for a long time.


No matter what the disadvantages are, the important thing is that distributed hosting has come for a long time. Today, the vast majority of websites use distributed hosting, and the reason is obvious: distributed hosting has more advantages than disadvantages.
If only your web site is not so large that it really needs all the power of your computer and the size of the whole server, then shared hosting will be the best solution for you.


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