How to Open Your Own Web Hosting Business
If your business revolves around web development, providing commercial web hosting for customers will be a logical additional service. This kills two birds with one stone - a small additional income and fewer problems with a crooked client host. We will always configure our server so that our programs on it work without problems. So, what do you need to know and be able to open your own web hosting business? 1. Server: For starters, one dedicated server is enough. Unix or Windows is up to you. We needed support for both ASP and PHP, so we had to take it under Windows. You need to choose a reliable provider with a good reputation. Our choice was, but now I would not recommend them. They raised prices and technical support is at times stifling. They also had problems with customer data leakage. To find a good host, you need to choose When the number of clients on the server reaches a certain critical value (100-250 clie...